Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Monarch Update #2

Here are a few photo updates from this week:

Buddy Nectar on 7/28

Buddy Nectar on July 30th

You can see that our first caterpillar, Buddy Nectar, has grown SIGNIFICANTLY over the past few days.  I'm hoping we'll see a chrysalis by the weekend based on how much he grows each day.

We also have added a couple of new guys in the mix:

Monday, July 29, 2019

Monarch Update #1

So much has happened!

We now have three caterpillars in our house.  Our original caterpillar is named 'Buddy Nectar' and has grown A LOT!  We also found one in a lot that looks like it might be undergoing some sort of construction soon, and one along our walk last night that was on a plant in danger of being mowed soon (the mower was already parked in preparation!).  All three are different sizes and as I have now learned... are in different stages of growth which are called instars.

Photo from

Here's a rundown of the stages our caterpillars are in currently:
  1. Buddy Nectar: Currently in his 3rd instar, I think he may be getting ready to shed his exoskeleton and enter the 4th instar, so stay tuned for our next update!
  2.  Caterpillar #2 (found in Silo parking lot): 2nd instar
  3. Caterpillar #3 (found last night on our walk): 1st instar

We have upgraded our housing situation with a proper butterfly tent, but may need to get another one (or two) so that we have room for everyone.  

We'll try to get photos of all the caterpillars for our next update!

Also - fun fact:  caterpillars poop a lot!  WHO KNEW????

Friday, July 26, 2019

We're raising a monarch!

Oh my, oh my.  IT IS HAPPENING.

We found a monarch egg and are raising it to a butterfly! 

I began monitoring an egg outside on a nearby milkweed plant on Sunday July 21st.  I googled (of course) to confirm as best that I could and checked on it each day. 

We came home from summer camp last night and IT HAD HATCHED!!

We carefully snipped off the tip of the plant with several other leaves, and have made him a temporary home until we can find a butterfly net (or wait for Amazon to deliver one if we can't find it locally).

He is VERY tiny, probably just a few millimeters right now, and looks mostly green, but you can see tiny black bands beginning to show up.  We can even see his tiny antennae!

We are so excited for this journey to metamorphosis!